The Award Program

The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) is a national volunteer awards program, encouraging citizens to live a life of service, offering presidential gratitude and national recognition. PVSA recognizes, celebrates and inspires volunteerism, service, and citizenship in the community.
Able2Shine Foundation is a certified organization that can apply this prestigious award for our Shine4Love Teens Club members.
Who can participate?
Any club members who have completed the Shine4LoveTeens Club Application Form and paid the membership fee. The PVSA application is for active Shine4Love Teens Club members who have logged at least 1/3 of their volunteer hours with the club. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

More Questions?
Email us at
Why participate?
Presidential recognition sets you apart. It's a tremendous honor. Even though you may not seek recognition, by helping out the community, your example can deliver a powerful message that encourages others to take action.
When to submit the application?
The Corporation for National and Community Service will award those who have completed the required number of hours of service during the 12-month time period. Our deadline for submission is Oct. 1 each year.
How do you track service hours?
Download and use this template:
By PVSA guidelines, Able2Shine Foundation, as the certifying organization, has the full discretion as to how to verify and accept service hours. We, therefore, reserve the right to decline artificially inflated hours, or activities with obscure nature, or activities without clear verification.
What’s included in the award package?
1. Customized certificate
2. Choice of pin, medallion or coin
3. Letter from the POTUS